Wow. I must be a pretty bad blogger. It's been well over a month. I had every intention on blogging this past weekend, and over things kept coming up instead!
Christmas is just around the corner now (two weeks from today exactly! Woo-
hoo!!) Kirk and I have been decorating our apartment and wrapping presents. We are really looking forward to our first Christmas together - it's been fun to decorate our first tree, have a wreath hanging on our door, and Christmas light wrapped around our deck, and busting out my holly Christmas plates! However, due to our lack of space in our small one bed room apartment, the clutter that comes with this holiday has started to get on my nerves, seeing that with all this new holiday decor, we truly do not have the storage space to put the boxes away. Anyways... we are almost done with our shopping, I will
recommend to everyone, start shopping as soon as possible, this year, Kirk and I started on Labor Day - shopping has been much more enjoyable spreading it out over four months!
We've been blessed that Kirk's job continues to be 8-4:30, we don't know when his new schedule will start, but it's looking like he may never work the late hours (11:30a-8p) that he
originally agreed to. This is a HUGE blessing for us,
because we are able to eat dinner together most every night, and spend lots of time together. Also, this week, he was able to work overtime, due to the blizzard in Des
Monies and the Nationwide employees there not being able to come into work. Another huge blessing for us, especially during this season!
Other things we've been up to:
-2 more Ohio State football games, we were able to get tickets to the Iowa game, as well as go to our first Michigan, Ohio State away game - what an experience indeed
-Our weekly Wednesday guys wings night, and girls night continues, we love the chance to have fellowship with our friends weekly
-Went to a
UD basketball last weekend to watch our friend Anna's boyfriend who plays for
Lehigh University
-We continue to get excited about the
NorthChurch plant coming in January 210. We are very excited to see how God is going to work in the community of
Olentangy area
-We are moving in the middle of
January to a 2 bed and 2 bath apartment! Can't wait - if you are available, let us know, we can use as many hands as we can get!
Posting updated pictures will come soon!