Monday, August 16, 2010

Meals, Vacation, and Jobs, Oh My!

Hello Blogging World!
I came up with a novel idea yesterday before grocery shopping. I always go through recipes and buy lots of items, and often, we don't end up eating that meal before 1/2 the ingredients go bad. This frustrates me. I got a sudden idea to take our calendar and write what we were having for dinner for the next two weeks!
I have no idea why I did not think of this before, sure it takes away the predicableness of life - but you usually know what meals you will need to eat out and how many to plan for in the few weeks to come. This is great especially with me starting school again in a few weeks. :( Kirk will always know to get started, or just when to heat up a lovely, delicious, lean cuisine.
In other news - in just a little over 2 weeks Kirk and I get to go on vacation! I cannot tell you how happy we are - we can almost smell the beach. We are going to Southport, NC where my dad just bought land and will build and move down there someday soon! We have not been to see it yet, so we are looking forward to seeing his new home!
Also - a week from today, Kirk will start his new job at Nationwide. He got promoted! He's excited to do something else than answer phones - from what I understand, he is now doing out bound calls and follow ups!
Life in the Fissel household is great!

1 comment:

  1. We are really looking forward to showing you St. James & Southport!!! It will be a great w/e!!!

    The Stepmom
