Friday, March 19, 2010

Graduate School on the Horizon

The title pretty much says it all. I (Holly) will be starting Grad School in just two months! I will be starting a two- year process to obtain a Master's in School Counseling. This has been a dream of mine for about six or seven years now. I can't believe it's here, it's both exciting and scary all at the same time! I will be continuing to work part time at Heritage Christian Church, while taking classes at Capital University - however, my degree will be from University of Dayton.
I cannot image what all this is going to mean for our lives, it's been wonderful being out of school for two years, so I am sure that the adjustment back to school will be a difficult one. Although, for a month now Kirk and I have learned to adjust to his new hours of working from 11:30am - 8 pm. It hasn't been completely easy, but we seem to be in a routine and enjoy the time we do have together so much more!
Kirk has been so supportive of my decision to go back to school, I really cannot thank him enough, as this has now become his dream as well, that one day very soon, I will work in a school, and together we will begin to love on the community God puts us in!