Saturday, January 7, 2012

Days 2- 5 on Daniel Fast

Well, as soon as I went back to subbing and interning, my time for blogging decreased immensely. Kirk and I have been doing well on the fast thus far - and only 4 more days to go (after today)!
I did not have temptation to eat to many things not on the fast - that is until I was surrounded with chocolate, cookies, and other things filled with sugar. When I was subbing and interning this week all those things were everywhere in the schools! Usually, I just eat things like that whenever I want, and so I had to remind myself several times that I cannot have that food. It taught me to be thankful for the food that I can eat.
We have discovered some seriously really delicious food that we plan to continue to make even after the fast - just we might add some cheese! ;)
We have experienced some wonderful and rich conversations throughout the past week that we have really missed for the past several months, maybe even a year or so. That has been the biggest blessing thus far during the fast.
I don't know if I have had spiritual revelations or anything throughout the fast - but there are times when I feel so excited and I have no idea why. My thought is that I am just excited for what God is going to do in 2012. I know He has wonderful plans for us, and I feel that He will bless us for being obedient and seeking Him. Our thought is that the beginning of every new year we will do the Daniel fast - to give our first fruits to the Lord every year, to give the year to Him and seek Him! Plus - what better time to do this fast than in January - tons of delicious fruits are in season!! :)
We are looking forward to the next 4 days to finish strong.... we are also looking forward to having coffee in the morning, dairy products, and sugar!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1 Down!

Well Day 1 on the Daniel Fast was not so bad!
Probably helped that we were home all day and football was on.... and we were still able to eat Chipotle (brown rice, black beans, tomato salsa, lettuce, and guacamole) and it actually tasted pretty amazing still!
We are realizing that breakfasts are the most challenging since we have dairy of some sort every morning. Last night after making a delicious stir-fry for dinner I set out to make muffins for the next 2 mornings. These are not your typical muffins but they were pretty tasty with pineapple and orange peel in them!
This morning I have been working on making homemade crackers... much more difficult than it seems. Our poor food processor has almost had it with me after making 2 batches of crackers and hummus... yikes!
Yesterday I had a headache for most of the day, which is to be expected but I am not sure if it's from the detox process or if it's from the cold that I am still recovering from.
Today I feel very tired, but eating fruit seems to give me bursts of energy! My concern now is that I will be making food constantly at night and not have time for the Lord... which is the point of this 10 day fast. Hopefully I can get making all this food down pat and it will go more smoothly!